Saturday, January 23, 2016

Blog Post #1: Who Am I?

Name: Alexis Leslie
School: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School #9
Position/Grade: ESOL Teacher / 5-6

Experience using technology in the classroom: 
I am comfortable using videos, instructional technology, PowerPoint, Google Docs/Forms/Slides, etc.  I am flexible and a quick learner so I try to keep up with all of the resources given at #9.  

What I hope to gain during this Collegial Learning Circle:  
I hope to become more comfortable with sharing publicly and becoming an expert of a learning tool and implementing it regularly, rather than remaining a "Jack of all trades."

Fears in using technology:
My fear of creating a blog is that everyone can see it!  I am worried that as a teacher, I will be overwhelmed with all of the possible learning tools to use.  I am tired of the cycle of getting a new resource, spending time with it, making lessons, and then having to switch to something new.  I also worry that students might be spending too much time using technology. 

Outside of School: 

I make customized fitness hula hoops and teach classes for fun!
Hoopin' it up

I also enjoy watching sports, reading, hanging out with friends, and traveling with my fiance.

Philly Art Museum

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